Author: Administrator
Fort St. John, BC. January 29, 2018. — More than 120 long track speed skaters from across Canada will be competing this weekend, Feb 2-4, at the Pomeroy Sport Centre for the Canadian Junior Long Track Championships and Canada Cup # 3. The biggest contingents are from Alberta, Quebec and British Columbia, while Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia complement the range of participating provinces.
Close to 90 athletes are competing in the Canadian Junior Long Track Championships for the national title. They are also vying for spots to represent Canada at the 2018 ISU World Junior Speed Skating Championships, which take place March 9-11 in Salt Lake City, USA. Canada was very successful at last year’s competition in Finland and many of that delegation and medal winners will be skating in Fort St. John. They include Tyson Langelaar (MB), Beatrice Lamarche (QC), Graham Fish (SK), David la Rue (QC) and others. Some of them are very familiar with the Fort St. John oval, as they also competed here at the 2015 Canada Winter Games.
More than 35 Canada Cup skaters are racing to earn points for their national rankings in each of the distances. These include many athletes of the Speed Skating Canada’s 2017-18 National Development Pool and NextGen Status group.
The Peace region is well represented at this competition. Dawson Creek skaters include Jacob Graham and Hannah Brunn, who both train in Calgary and Dakotah Ruel from Pouce Coupe. The Fort St John Elks are represented by Brook Braun, Yuna Lovell, Amanda Mitchell and Renee Kalkman on the women’s side, and Nicholas Guliov, Nyam Newlove and Joshua Telizyn on the men’s side.
Race schedule for Friday will include the 500m and 1500m distances; Saturday will see the 1000m distances for everyone and the 3000m for women and 5000m for men. Sunday races include the 500m and 1000m distance and conclude with the mass starts event.
Members of the public are encouraged to attend. Admission is free.
BC Long Track Meet – Thank you All!
Results for BCLT have been revised!!
2018 BC Long Track Championships Protocol
2018 BC Long Track Total Points
I would like to thank the organizing committee, officials, and volunteers for all of the dedication and hard work that was put into making the 2018 BCLT another successful and well executed meet. Compliments were received for the ice, facility and a smoothly run event. Our club is getting a reputation for great hospitality and high quality events. This can only come from good teamwork prior to and during the event! What a team! So thank you to everyone who brought food, helped set up / take down, put up posters/banners, officiated in any way, picked up parcels/supplies, made telephone calls, gave donations, took training, came out & cheered, made programs, folded programs, gave out information, ensured radios were charged, watches were ready, forms were in place, equipment working, took photos, changed their personal plans for the weekend, etc, etc, etc.
Darren Guliov – meet coordinator
A huge thank you to all of our many volunteers and officials in helping make our first meet of the year a success! We truly appreciate all of your hard work!
The results of the meet are posted here FSJ ST Interclub Oct 21 2017 and relays
Short Track Meet – October 21, 2017
We have our first Speed Skating meet coming up on October 21st! This will be a short track meet (i.e. on the hockey rink) and will run most of the day. It is open for ALL skaters to join so if your child is interested at all make sure to get their registration form in this week!
We will also need help to run this meet. Attached is a volunteer sign up page – please fill in a spot (or two)!
For those of you who are new to the club here is a run-down of the various jobs that we will be needing help with – we are always willing to train people!
- Meet Coordinator: This is the job of organizing the event, we are always looking for people to help organize!
- Referee: These are the official who are on ice refereeing the event. We have Wim Kok who is the chief referee for this event but he would be very happy to have an assistant to train
- Starter: These are the people who will be at the start line with the starting gun or whistle.
- Place Judges: These people stand near the finish line and determine which skater comes in first, second, third, etc
- Timers: Timers have the stop watches and are assigned certain skaters to keep track of.
- Recorders: These are the people who will take the information that the timers and place judges give them and enter the data into a computer to create the “results” that everyone is so eager for.
- Lap Counter: These people have to keep track of which lap the skaters are on and relay that information to the skaters (we have count-down books and an electric lap counter)
- Track Stewards: This is an on-ice position! These people will be placing the lane markers, repairing damage to the ice and periodically pouring water to renew the track.
- Results Runners: These people are carrying the results from the timers/place judges to the recorders in a timely, organized manner.
- Clerk of the Course: These people are in charge of marshalling the skaters to be ready for their races. They will be given lists of races and the skaters in them and will have the skaters ready and waiting for their races.
- Safety Coordinator: Arranges for the first aid people and works with them to prepare for the event
- Bucket Filler/Gatekeeper: We will need someone to fill the buckets for the track stewards and open the gates for the skaters.
- Mat Set-Up Crew: We will need a good crew of people (the more we have the faster it will go) to set up the mats in the morning before the event
- Clean-Up Crew: After the meet we will need some help cleaning up the mats and various other things from the meet. It shouldn’t take too long!
- Officials Lunch Room: We always offer our volunteers lunch, coffee and some snacks for all of their hard work… so we will need someone to run our lunch room! We will need to have someone in charge (we will have people who will assist and explain the process) and a few helpers. We will also be putting out a request for food donations from our club members soon.
If you have any questions please email us at
And we’re off!!
All of our skaters have now started skating! Registration is now closed for our skaters under 12 but we will have a new session starting in January!
If you have ANY questions or concerns, please feel free to ask any of our executive members or senior coaches or email us at! We do ask for you to please not direct your concerns to our junior coaches as they are kids themselves.
Our executive group this year is
- Kim Telizyn – President
- Wim Kok – Vice President (and coach)
- Shadi Salehi – Treasurer
- Kelli Cote – Secretary
- Corrie Bennie – Fundraising Coordinator
- Susie Keeler – Registrar
- Kelli Cote, Kate North AND Josh Brown are our Equipment Team as well
Our Senior Coaches are Wim Kok, Jen Gibson, J.P. Sutherland and Kim McPhedran are coaching our youngest skaters with the help of a variety of junior coaches. Tara Mitchell and Richard Stickel are coaching our skaters who are over 12 and our Masters!
A New Season Begins!!
A big welcome to any new club members who signed up at the One Stop Registration last weekend. If you have any questions please email us at and we will ensure your question gets answered!
- Monday, Sept 18 – 6:45 to 7:45 pm
- Wednesday, September 20 – 6:45 to 7:45 pm
- Sunday, September 24 – 3:45 to 4:45pm
- Sunday, September 24 – 3:30 to 5:00 pm
We would like to make a list of any used equipment you want to sell that can be sent out to club members. If you have skin suits, safety gear (in good condition, no helmets), skates etc please email them to and we will get a list sent out with our next weekly update.

We will be at the Fall Community One Stop Registration taking place September 9th from 10:00am to 2:00 pm at the Totem Mall. Come see us there to register for the 2017-2018 speed skating season!
Registration process will go quickly if you register online first here Please bring cheques or cash to pay! We will also have our equipment people set up at the Pomeroy Sport Centre to rent out skates.
See you there!!
2017 Summer Camp

A big thank you to everyone who has registered to take part in our 2017 Summer Long track camp! We have over 60 skaters registered and the Club is hard at work getting everything ready for them.
Treasurer Forms
If you are submitting any money to the treasurer, be sure to use this form to do so New Version FSJ Elks Report to Treasurer
If you are requesting money from the treasurer, you will need this form Payment Requisition Form
These forms will be available under the “About-Us; Club Policy” section of the menu at the top of this page.