We have a new fund-raising system this year – read here to find out more! fundraising-faq
Author: Administrator
One Stop Registration & Skate Rentals!
How to register for Speed Skating
Our new season is almost here! If you are thinking of joining us for the upcoming skating season – come see us to register at the One Stop Registration in Totem Mall on September 10! We will be there to register AND to rent skates and we would love to have you join our club! Details on our programs are here Speed Skate programs 2016
For more info see here… frequently asked questions
or email us at info@fsjspeedskating.com
How to register for Speed Skating

Our new season is almost here! If you are thinking of joining us for the upcoming skating season – come see us to register at the One Stop Registration in Totem Mall on September 10! We will be there to register AND to rent skates and we would love to have you join our club! Details on our programs are here Speed Skate programs 2016
For more info see here… frequently asked questions
or email us at info@fsjspeedskating.com
Summer Camp is underway!
We currently have 60 skaters taking part in our awesome summer camp! If you aren’t registered, come check it out, maybe you would like to join us next year!
Fort St. John 2016 LT Summer Camp!!

This is the camp that everyone has been waiting for!!
Join us for the 2016 Annual Summer Ice Camp at the Pomeroy Sport Centre in Fort St John, BC!
This camp takes place August 22 – 26/16, register before July 31/16 for early bird rates!
For more information click here Summer-Camp-2016-FAQ
For registration click here 2016-FSJ-Summer-Long-Track-Camp-Registration-Form-1
AGM notice

We are holding our AGM on Wednesday May 4, 2016 at the Pomeroy Sports Centre on the 2nd floor in the meeting room. We will start our meeting with a potluck dinner so please some join us!
Looking for Volunteers for Executive Positions for Next Season;
We will be looking to fill the positions of President, Mega Lottery Organizer and Group equipment reps (one for each group to assist Palma) for next season. If you are interested in any of these positions please speak to one of the current executive or email info@speedskating.com
Please note that we had to change the venue for the BCLT Banquet, it will now be held at
Dr. Kearney Middle School
Address: 10723 – 92nd St, Fort St John, BC V1J 3J4
BCLT January 16/17 2016
Weekly Update Nov 9/15

Fort St. John Short Track Interclub
Congratulations to all the skaters who participated in the Short Track Interclub Meet we held on Saturday! We had around 60 skaters participating and there were some very exciting races to watch! A lot of hard work and determination showed with some awesome skill and I saw some excellent displays of good sportsmanship and camaraderie, you should all be really proud.
Also a big “Thank You!” to all the volunteers who helped make this such a successful and exciting event. All your hard work was evident and appreciated. It takes around 40 volunteers to run these events and we had a lot of new club members helping out and mentored by those who have been with us for quite a while! It was a long day and you all did great – thank you! Also thank you to those who donated food – it really does help the volunteers make it through that long day!
CanAm Long Track Competition Calgary Oval November 27, 28 and 29, 2015
Skaters who turned 13 before July 1, 2015 are eligible to participate in this competition. Reminder that the registration deadline is November 19th 4pm.
Registration is done directly online via: https://onlineca.activecommunities.com/OlympicOval/Activities/ActivitiesDetails.asp?aid=324
Details can also be found on the following websites
- CanAm announcement: http://oval.ucalgary.ca/files/oval/announcement_2015.pdf
- Entry Form: http://oval.ucalgary.ca/files/oval/entry_form_2015.pdf
Important Dates
- Nov. 14th Prince George – BCWG Qualifier and CI Challenge Cup (Groups 1-3)
- Nov. 18th Club meeting – 6:30 pm 2nd Floor Timing Room
- Dec. 5th Dawson Creek Interclub – all ages groups
- Nov 28 Time trials & mini meet – learn to skate to masters
- Dec 19 Time trials – groups 2-4
- Dec. 5th Dawson Creek Interclub – all ages groups

Results from the meet on Oct 31/15