We will be hosting the Canadian Junior/NeoJunior Long Track Championships December 13, 14 and 15, 2024.
General Competition Info
For the most up to date information please see the SSC event webpage.
NeoJunior Championships https://speedskating.ca/mec-events/2024-canadian-neo-junior-long-track-championships-2/
Junior Championships https://speedskating.ca/mec-events/2024-canadian-junior-long-track-championships-2/
Athlete and Coach Registration
NeoJunior Championships https://icereg.ca/#!/events/canadian-neo-junior-long-track-championships-2024
Junior Championships https://icereg.ca/#!/events/canadian-junior-long-track-championships-2024
Volunteer Role Sign Up
If you are able to volunteer at this event please sign up at the following link:
IceReg for Officials/Volunteers https://icereg.ca/#!/events/canadian-junior-neojunior-long-track-championships-2024-official-volunteers
Sportity– This will be the primary form of communication for the event and everyone is encouraged to download the app. The password for the event is SSC-LT-Comp
Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship opportunities are still available for the season – please contact Karen Mason-Bennett at karenmasonbennett@gmail.com if you are interested in sponsoring the club or a specific event!