A big thank you to everyone who has registered to take part in our 2017 Summer Long track camp! We have over 60 skaters registered and the Club is hard at work getting everything ready for them.
2017 Summer Camp

A big thank you to everyone who has registered to take part in our 2017 Summer Long track camp! We have over 60 skaters registered and the Club is hard at work getting everything ready for them.
Camp Info
Skate Rental – Monday night at 7PM in the Pomeroy Sport Center, beside the timing room
Registration/Payment – Monday night at 7pm or Wednesday morning at 7:30
Schedule & Draft Skater groups attached – these may be modified as the week progresses
All skaters to bring their own lunch, water bottle and comfortable running shoes – along with all regular speed skating equipment.
Skaters in Blue group are asked to bring a stop watch and heart monitor if possible.
Snacks will be provided.
Coaching Clinic
Tuesday, August 19 – 9:00 – 5:00
Clinic to be led by Jack Walters. All coaches / potential coaches welcome.
Canada Winter Games
Thursday, August 21 – 3:30 – 5:00
Canada Winter Games staff are coming to Fort St John to meet with the community as we are the contingency location if weather does not cooperate in Prince George. There is a very important information session from 3:30 – 5:00 at the Pomeroy Sport Centre for anyone in the community who would like to be involved with the contingency plan, so please plan to attend, particularly if you are already on the officials list.
50th Anniversary Celebration
Saturday, August 23 – 5:00
The club will be hosting a barbecue at 5:00 to kick off its 50th season! The Hospitality Committeewill be asking members to contribute a salad or side dish – watch for the email. We are expecting several past members, the media and city staff to join us so please plan to attend this special event!
Skin Suits
Skin suits fit kit will be arriving this week so that anyone who wants a new suit with the new design can get the right size. The sizing can take place Friday or Saturday at lunch time
Level I Officials Clinic: Intro To Speed Skating and Officiating
If there is enough interest expressed I will conduct a Level I Officials Clinic during the Speed Skating Camp: The introductory clinic takes about 3-3.5 hours and will cover the essential aspects of the sport and should answer many question about the sport you may have. The major component involves the need for officiating, the role and specific duties of officials. It will demonstrate that officiating takes place in a team setting, to ensure that we run fair, safe and efficient competitions.
If you are interested, please e-mail me (Wim) at ewkok1972@gmail.com
The clinic can be run on anyone of the following mornings of the camp : Thursday, Friday or Saturday. A sign-up sheet will be available at registration.